Simple Saturday Prep: Springtime Binoculars

The world around us changes so quickly this time of year. Trees burst into bloom overnight! Lawns become a carpet of lush green after just one springtime rain. Doves return to their annual roosts. Rabbits steal nibbles from flowerbed phlox and pansies. I can barely stand to miss a seasonal moment.

Need to focus a bit more on springtime phenomenom? Zero in on some of Mother Nature's best? If so, join me tomorrow and make some Simple Saturday binoculars. Here are the supplies that you'll need to scavenge -- two toilet paper rolls, a sheet of construction paper, yarn, a bottle top, some black electric tape, glue, and scissors.


Doodle bugs, run for cover!

Ants, start packing.

Nature, here we come!

Here's looking at cha, kid!