Simple Saturday Prep: Back to School Blues

 It's that time again, my friends. Like it or not...back to school is just around the corner.

Take a long look at this bus-load of exuberant smiles, will you? Shoot, that bus is about to topple over with elation.



We get to go back to school!!!!


 Oh, come on. Get real. You know that there are tons of kids whose stomachs knot at the thought of buying a new backpack. For some kids, going to school is arduous...especially for a new first grader!

 I made a guide for a delightful chapter book which deals with the angst of entering first grade.  In the guide is a game that corresponds to various plot points of the book. It's great. You'll love it. I can't wait to show you.

So, I'll see you tomorrow, yes? In the meantime, let me see what I can do the flatten the tires on that derned zip-a-dee-do-da school bus. Sheesh.