Paper Dolls As Pretty As You Please
Today we're going to focus on a craft that I found while researching supportive material for one of our ReaderKidZ Beyond Boundaries selections - Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match, written by Monica Brown and illustrated by Sara Palacios. This book is way, way, w-a-y too cute, y'all. Here's what Nancy Bo Flood says about the story:
Marisol McDonald is teased about being different – sometimes it is because of her fire-red hair and freckles. Sometimes she is teased because she prefers playing pirates to soccer. Mostly she is teased about “nothing matches.” This book in pictures and words is as high-spirited as Marisol and a wonderful inspiration for celebrating being different and being proud of it. Every kid gets teased. Readers will enjoy Marisol’s creative approach to being herself.
So, now that you know about the darling story, let's get busy Simple Saturday-ing, want to? To do so, you'll need to download the Teacher Activity Guide Monica has loaded on her website. In addition to finding a ton of great lessons, activities, and even recipes in the guide, pages of paper dolls are there just waiting for you to print out and create. Print the Monica Marisol paper doll on card stock and you're ready for some good old-fashioned paper doll dressing fun.
There are two basic styles of clothes to chose from....the pre-colored selection or the color-it-yourself-creative selection. Either of which is marvelously original, spunky, and fun - just like Marisol! (And you and me, I might add.)
Now go get yourself some scissors, print off these sheets, and have some Simple Saturday fun, you hear? See you next week!