Click on image for publisher's information. Author: Jennifer Wolf Kam
Genre: YA
Publisher: Charlesbridge
ISBN: 978-1-934133-59-0
Awards: Winner of the NAESP Chapter Book Award
Click here to download the Common Core State Standards aligned Discussion & Writing Prompt guide create for Grades 6 to 12.
Overview: High school freshman Cass is conflicted about her love/hate relationship with her best friend, Devin, and about her death. How did Devin's body end up at the bottom of Woodacre Ravine? Was Cass really responsible? Is concealing the truth haunting Cass or is it the ghost-like spirit of her dead friend?
Told in alternating before-and-after chapters, Cass details life leading up to the mysterious events that led to Devin’s “wrongful death.” The turbulent adolescent changes that challenge Cass and Devin’s friendship will seem familiar and real to middle-grade and young-adult readers. The mystery about what happened to Devin and if she is really reaching out from beyond the grave will have readers on the edge of their seats.