Simple Saturday Prep: Graphing the Winter Solstice

 Years ago I had a student that was fascinated with the Winter Solstice. Each morning, during the months of December and January, he and I would race to the computer to access the sunrise times. Being the computer whiz that he was/is, I asked him to keep record of this by working up a graph. Oh boy! Was his line graph ever elaborate. And, let me tell you that he was so into the project that he willingly did it as winter holiday homework! Can you say "teacher's pet"?

My fascination for the Winter Solstice has never subsided. I love imagining the earth at a tilt causing night to last forever on end, and then - finally, at long last - it gradually becomes shorter. (I know...I'm a nerd. Always have been. Always will be.) 

So gather up a ruler, a pencil, a colored pencil (dark blue is best!) and let's have some fun graphing Old Man Winter's long, long nap. Wanna?

 Oh! I nearly forgot...yawn...we'll also need to use the internet and a printout that will be linked to tomorrow's post.

Come to think of it, 40 winks don't sound that bad.
