
Announcing The Let's Get Social Workshop Series: Don't tell me what to do, show me how.


My picture book debut year is quickly coming to an end. I can sincerely say that I have loved every minute of it. Not only have I enjoyed making connections with teachers, librarians, parents, community groups, conference-goers, bookstores, and – most especially – kids, I’ve discovered that I really like content marketing. I’m convinced that it’s critical that we wrap our heads around aspects of this. Our visibility depends on it.

I’ve discovered that there are ways for us to enhance our visibility and deepen a sincere sense of community through consistently sharing interesting content that is both authentic and helpful. I’ve also learned that, instead of spreading ourselves paper-thin attempting to sparkle on all social media platforms, we are encouraged to master only one or two.  

The golden key to effective content marketing success is showing up on a consistent basis. To do so, it’s super helpful to develop a strategic plan clarifying what to post, when to post it,
and how to repurpose it. I’d like for you to meet three accomplished women who
are eager to show us just how to do these things...and more.

  • Abby Herman –Content Marketing Specialist: Because the e-newsletter is the most important tool in the online marketing toolbox, I’ve asked Abby to present The Essentials of the E-Newsletter. Abby is a master of what is known as the “nurturing email series.” During her session, she will guide us to an understanding of how we can build a community by crafting newsletters in thoughtful and considerate ways.

  •  Louise Brogan of The Social Bee NI: Of late, Zoom has become a staple form of communication for most of us. Yet, there’s more to the platform than simply accessing an email link. Using Zoom with intention can benefit our marketing strategies and Louise will show us how to do just that. As a bonus, Louise will share her remarkable LinkedIn
    expertise with us during her session, Mastering Zoom.    

  • Jillian O’Keefe – Social Media Manager: Because Instagram has the highest engagement rate of any social media platform, we need to learn how to develop a dynamic presence there. In her session, Platform Building with Instagram, Jillian is going to show us how to build a lively presence showcasing our projects and personalities on Instagram. I cannot wait for this

In my session, Establishing a Personal Plan for Success, we’ll analyze how some authors and illustrators in the kidlit industry have mastered the art of content marketing. Then, using a research-based strategy, we’ll establish a plan to do the same by implementing an approach founded on our own talents and strengths.

I hope you can join me for the Let’s Get Social Marketing Series. I’m certain we’ll all be better for the experience. You’ll find a link to register below.