Simple Saturday: Meat Tray Sewing Cards
Okay, I said simple and I mean it. And, as it goes with kids, the simpler the better. Wee ones love this activity. I promise you. You've got the supplies, right? The Styrofoam meat tray sans the meat, yarn, tapestry needle, and scissors? Well, let's get going then.
Cut the tray into strips. I made mine about 2 inches wide to accomodate my fat fingers. You can make it thinner, if you'd like. Size up your child's fingers and then go for it.
If you look closely you can see that I poked a row of holes into the Styrofoam strip. You might want to make your pokes a bit bigger. Once again consider the child and their developing dexterity. Make larger ones if they are wobbly sewers. Make them smaller if you'd like to challenge them a little bit.
Tie one end of the yarn to the sewing card and tie the other to the tapestry needle. Securing the yarn to the needle assures that the concentration focus will be on the act of sewing and not on keeping the dad-burned yarn on the needle. Voice of experience here. Heed it.
And then sew! In and out. In and out. Over. Under. Over. Under. Fill that card with yarn. Pull it out and sew it all over again.
I know what you're thinking. That's it? Yes. That's it. In our harried, plastic, expensive, scattered adult world we forget that what kids need most is simplicity. Pare things down. Relax. Enjoy a simple moment with your lovely child and sew.
Have simply sensational Saturday and I'll see you next week.