Simple Saturday Prep: Nuts and Bolts for Wee Ones

 This post is being brought to you live from the American Montessori National Convention being held in lovely San Diego, California and Lowe's Hardware, your one-stop shop for every weekend project need!

What do Lowe's Hardware and a project for wee ones have in common, you ask? Trust me. Tomorrow I'll show you.

Get a piece of paper and pencil and jot this Lowe's Hardware shopping list down (Don't worry...all items came in at under $1.00 total!). Here we go: 3 #63301's, 1 #63311, 1 #63324, 1 #63308, 1 #61834, and 3 #63304's.

Hey! I just noticed something! The cute little blue-haired man who was helping me threw in 2 #63308's for free! That was sweet of him, wasn't it?

Wink! Wink!

Now back to the conference...seriously.