Simple Saturday: Wiggly, Squiggly Paper Worms

I am so very glad that we are close friends because, for some crazy reason, I have had nothing but trouble with the photographs for this post. Sheesh...light reflections, blurrings. How can such a simple project become so darned complicated? I know what you're thinking. Would you like a little cheese with that whine? Get on with it, Deb.

All right. Get on with it I will.

This picture featuring the project supplies turned out pretty good. At least you can identify the paper covered straw from the glass of water, can't you?

To make Simple Saturday Wiggly, Squiggly Paper Worms, all you have to do is tear off the ends of the paper covering. Scrunch the paper together toward the center of the straw to form a tight accordion at the straw's midpoint. Slip that scrunched-up accordion off of one end of the straw. Lay that dry, wrinkly, schrunchy, accordian-shaped paper on a table top.  

Then collect some water in the straw, dab just a drop on the dry paper worm, and watch it wiggly, squiggle and grow into a wormy wonder. (I only wish I had the photos to prove it.)

Psst! Take note. The secret to success in this technique lies in the subtle difference between the dab, being short poking strokes, and the douse, commonly known as the immerse.

Avoid the douse.

Many a paper worm have met a soggy demise when met with the douse.

God rest their souls.