Simple Saturday: The Magic 9 Slays the Division Demon

Fear not! Help is on its way!

Pretend that we have entered the dragon's den. We must be cautious, carefully moving with each and every step. No rushing. No hurried movements. By the practice of patience and calculated calm, we'll slay that vicious reptile. With a pencil as our sword and The Magic 9 as our shield, together now...let's go.

I have already solved the problem 19515392 / 2932 = 6656 using long, long, long division. Yikes! I sure hope I got the answer correct, forcing that nasty division dragon back in his steamy den where he belongs.

Let's check my work using the Magic 9, shall we? Remember what I said about taking careful, cautious steps? No rushing? No snappy shortcuts? Well, if you follow the steps I am about to show you, checking your work for long division problems without remainders in the quotient can be a ton of fun to do!

First thing, I need to be sure that you remember the parts of a division problem. You know the terms divisor, dividend, and quotient...right? I should've known that would be no problem for a brave dragon-slayer like yourself. My bad.

To begin playing the The Magic 9 let's start with the divisor, shall we? There is one major important rule to use when using the Magic 9, which is what I call the Peculiar Ostensible Optical Fleck, or commonly known as POOF! (Click on hyper links to access detailed, step-by-step descriptions of POOF!) In short, when the numbers 9 or 0 present themselves strangely, they vanish! POOF! Like magic!

When applying the Magic 9 the the divisor (2932), the first thing we do is wipe out the number 9 because it is magic! POOF! It's gone!

Okay, then...moving from left right...2 plus 3 equals 5, right? And 5 plus 2 equals 7, correct?

So, the number 7 will be used to represent the divisor. Got it? Clear as mud, right?

How about we use the same process for the quotient 6656? (Print the .pdf and use it as a guide, if you like.) From left to right, 6 plus 6 equals 12; from the new number 12 we transform the 1 plus 2 to equal 3; that 3 plus 5 equals 8; 8 plus 6 equals 14; 1 plus 4 equals 5. Hah! The number 5 will present the quotient in the Magic 9 grid. 

In an effort to avoid posting a mile-long entry, I'll simply let you know that I came up with the final number 8 as the representative for the dividend.

How in the heck can all of this hockus-pockus prove that this long dragon division problem is correct. you ask? We will use a Magic 9 Division Grid to prove it. See how I put the divisor 7 in the top left square in the grid? The quotient's 8 in in the top right and the dividend's 8 in in the bottom left? Now, to prove the final answer and lay that dreaded dragon to rest, we use multiplication as our secret weapon. Let's multiply the top two numbers, 7 times 5. What do we get for an answer? You're right...35.

Now, in the spirit of the Magic 9, let's add the 35's 3 and the 5. What do we get? Yep...8. Write 8 in the empty box on the grid. Yay! If the two numbers in the bottom squares match, your answer is correct!!!!! 

Now, my dear Simple Saturday pal...there is no reason to go cross-eyed over this Magic 9 process. None at all. There are basically only three steps to follow:

1) Whittle each numeral in the operations down to the bare bones, Magic 9 number. (Download the .pdf and you'll find the keys to the Magic 9 kingdom!)

2) Plug those babies into the grid according to their terms within the operational function. (Again, another .pdf is there, just waiting for the taking.)

3) After multiplying the top two boxes in the...dear one, you've proved yourself as the Division Dragon Slayer! 

Well done, brave heart, well done. Take a bow, oh wonderous one...take a bow. You deserve it. Because of your valor, Austin can rests peaceful tonight, and always.