Simple Saturday Prep: The Color Wheel

I'm not sure whether it's that I'm busy preparing to speak at the big time American Montessori Conference or that I so miss working with the Color Boxes with the kiddos...but, tomorrow we're going to play with the Color Wheel.

Are your kids learning the names of various colors? Are they working to evaluate the variance between hues? If so, let's make a Color Wheel a-la Simple Saturday style, shall we?

Honestly, my Simple Saturday pal, throughout my years of teaching Montessori with the primary-aged child, I think I had more fun differenciating between colors than the students did. I just acted like the all-knowing adult. And, you know, I think sometimes those rug rats saw clean through me...the little stink pots.

Anyhow...for tomorrow's supplies we will need a piece of poster board, craft glue, scissors, and a collection of old magazines.

Actually, we'll be using that collection for magazines for a few weeks after this one.  Talk about a creative way to recycle!