Simple Saturday Prep: The Sorry Service Survival Game

 Parents of blossoming early readers, you know this scene, don't you? You've been there before - time and time again - haven't you?

You and your wiggly 5 or 6 year-old are stationed in a restaurant booth, perched on glossy vinyl padded bench seats. Your kiddo is hungry. You're antsy. What is keeping them so long? All you ordered was a healthy cobb salad for yourself (though the chicken enchiladas were looking mighty good) and a grilled cheese with a side of fries for your pint-sided companion. What are they doing? Organically growing the lettuce? Milking the cow to make the cheese? Sheesh!

What's worse is your darling child is beginning to lose it. You're reading the agitated dangling over the side of their seat, rude comments about strange looking patrons, and deep picking of the nose as danger signs. You need to entertain this young-un somehow and FAST!

Fear not! Simple Saturday to the rescue!

The supplies needed to play tomorrow's Sorry Service Survival Game are your average, every day piece of paper (a napkin will do, in a desperate pinch), a pen, and a lively restaurant surrounding.

Me? I never leave home without a small notepad in my purse. You never know where Sorry Service may lurk.