
Pinterest Marketing for the Kid Lit Crowd - Pin-Crafting Basics

Make a Pinterest pin by following the easy-peasy steps described in this video:

In this video, using my best Montessori teacher voice, I demonstrate just how easy it is to make a Pinterest pin using Canva, a free on-line software program. While the pin crafted in this video is a super-simple one, it gets the job done just fine. I bet, once you become familiar with Canva, you’ll want to make lots of projects like Facebook graphics, groovy bookmarks, and nifty postcards to promote your great work. I’d love to see what you come up with!

Most of you already know that I happen to be on fire for Pinterest. I’ve had a vibrant account for a little over a year now and am racking up over a 1.3 million impressions on my platform to date. I’m now offering my services to help other authors & Illustrators maximize the potential of this powerful platform in the same way that I have.

Let me know if you’d like to know more about the power of Pinterest.

I’m here if you need me.

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